Follow the Badge Lady

Badge Requirements

1. Show that you can do these things on a bicycle: Start. Stop. Use brake to control speed. Balance yourself easily. Ride at slow speed. Steer. Circle. Give proper signals.

2. Know and follow traffic rules. Know licensing regulations in your community. Know the parts of your bicycle and how to spot-check for safety. Know where to get your bicycle repaired. Know how to chain and lock bicycle for safekeeping.

3. Show how to carry gear on your bicycle safely.

4. With others show how to make a shelter using ponchos and bicycles.

5. Ask an experienced cyclist to discuss with you steps to be taken in caring for and riding a bicycle on a bicycle trip or planning for a bicycle trip.

6. With your patrol or small group, plan an all-day bicycle trip. Use a road map that shows alternate routes. Explain why you chose the route you did.

7. Know some different kinds of bicycles and when each kind is most useful.

8. With your troop, patrol, or other group, plan and carry out a troop, school, or community safety project.

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