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 Wish You Were Here 

Collector badge requirements 1: Start a collection or add to one you have already started; 5. Find out more about your collection in one of the following ways: Visit another collector to see his or her exhibit. Read books or magazines. Talk to someone who knows about what you are collecting.

I think of myself as more of a saver than a collector. I hang onto things with sentimental value. Old letters, photos, ticket stubs, playbills, cards -- the memorabilia of my life. But I don't apply much thought or care to what I keep. Some things get saved, some don't. It basically happens by accident. And those things that do survive are tucked away in boxes and drawers without concern for organization or categorization. By contrast, serious collectors apply thought, care, and purpose to their things. They document a history and store their finds in archives and libraries. Me, I merely have junk drawers. Read More